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  1. How much does furniture cost?  
    There is no charge for furniture or household goods.

  2. Do we deliver furniture? 
    Please explore your or the client's transportation resources. If this is not an option our volunteers can help to arrange transportation within the cities of La Crosse, Onalaska, and La Crescent. This service is reserved for large furniture items that cannot fit in a car.

  3. Are the items used?
    Most of the items clients receive will be gently used. We work hard to ensure that the items are of good quality, with minimal flaws, and no stains, rips, odor
    , or pet hair.

  4. My client only needs a few items, can I still request them? 
    Yes, but you must fill out a client form first and we can only give what we have in stock.

  5. Do I need to complete a home visit?
    Yes, home visits ensure that clients are ready for a full household worth of furniture. At the same time look at possible challenges; steps, tight turns, narrow doorways, etc. We rely on case managers to ensure that the new items will not create any safety risks and are appropriate for the space. Also, use the shopping guidelines (given when you sign in with your password) to help your client pick out appropriate items for the size of their household.

  6. What if you don’t have the item(s) my client wants? 
    Our community provides us with tremendous support in the form of donated items.  Because we are a donation-based organization, occasionally we may not have an item your client is looking for.  The client will receive most items necessary for a comfortable and functioning home at each appointment.  We are unable to accommodate “rain-checks” for unavailable items.

  7. Can my client come more than once?
    Our mission is to provide the basic home essentials a family needs to get started. We encourage clients to ask for all needed items. Clients may not shop repeatedly for additional or replacement items.  Occasionally clients may experience hardships that result in the loss of home furnishings previously acquired at theExchange.  They are permitted to shop at theExchange for additional household items. 

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