Agency Finder
In order to receive services from theExchange, you must have an advocate and they must attend the appointment with you.
We accept referrals from over 30 local organizations which include public/private agencies, school and ministries. The following programs may be a good place to start if you are in need of an advocate to accompany you to theExchange.
REACH Services/Resource: 608-781-2783, ext. 200
La Crosse County - Health and Human Services: 608-784-4357
CouleeCap: 608-782-4877 or 866-904-4508
Salvation Army: 608-782-6126
Catholic Charities: 608-782-0710 or 888-212-4357
Independent Living Resources: 608-787-1111
New Horizons (fleeing abuse): 608-791-2610
La Crosse Area Family Collaborative 608-519-8009
Veterans Administration Services: 608-785-9719
The Parenting Place: 608-784-8125
Family and Children’s Center: 608-785-0001
Inclusa (disability/aging): 877-622-6700
YWCA: 608-781-2783
Care Wisconsin: 855-408-3687
MyChoiceWisconsin (disability/aging): 800-963-0035
The Center-Seven Rivers LGBTQ Connection: 608-784-0452
Safe Families for Children: 608-844-8475, ext. 700
Cia Siab - Hmoob Community: 608-615-7117
2-1-1 is also another resource to call and chat with someone